EDUCATION • PhD title in Machine Design at the University of Padova. The final dissertation was entitled Fatigue design of welded structures by means of local approaches. • Master with honor in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Padova PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS AND ACTIVITIES • Full Professor in Machine Design at the Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of Padova since October 2017. • Associate Professor in Machine Design at the Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of Padova since December 2010. • Assistant Professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Padova from 2002 until 2010. • Consultancy activities from 1995 until 1999 in the field of steel and steel-concrete bridges, structural design, numerical simulation for foundry and mechanical industry SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITIES AND COMMITTEES • Member of the Editorial Board: o International Journal of Fatigue • Expert Member of Commission XIII (Fatigue Behaviour of Welded Components and Structures)-Working Group 3 (Stress Analysis) of the International Institute of Welding since 2008. • His research fields deal with the development of local approaches for structural durability analysis of welded components and structures, fatigue design of structures in metallic materials, experimental analysis of strains, in-field load data acquisition, development of design methodologies for structural integrity and fatigue behaviour of bonded joints in composite materials. TEACHING • Machine Design (9 Credits/72 teaching hours, B.Sc. and M.Sc. Degrees in Mechanical Engineering) • Design and Analysis of Mechanical Systems (9 Credits/72 teaching hours, M.Sc. Degree in Mechanical Engineering)
The Peak Stress Method (PSM) is a FE-oriented local approach to evaluate the notch stress intensity factors. In fatigue design welded structures, the PSM allows to estimate the fatigue lifetime of steel welded joints under constant amplitude (CA) loads and has been previously validated against more than 1300 experimental data. However, real engineering welded structures are generally subjected to complex variable amplitude (VA) multiaxial loads in service. Accordingly, the PSM has been recently re-formulated to account for VA uniaxial as well as multiaxial loadings. To this purpose, the PSM has been combined with Palmgren-Miner’s Linear Damage Rule and the extended formulation has been successfully validated against a large bulk of VA fatigue data available in literature. Moreover, an automated analysis tool has been recently developed in Ansys® Mechanical, taking advantage of Ansys® Customization Toolkit, in order to support the FE analyst in the fatigue design of welded structures according to the PSM. The automated algorithm, which was initially developed to analyze structures subjected to CA loadings, has been extended in the present investigation to implement the newly developed multiaxial VA formulation of the PSM. As an output, the automated tool generates fatigue life edge-contour plots and graphs in Ansys® Mechanical, allowing the analyst to rapidly single out the most critical point in the structure among all competing crack initiation sites. The present investigation offers a deeper insight on the automated fatigue strength assessment of steel welded details subjected to VA loadings, according to the PSM.Session
Room | Date | Hour | Subject |
Room 10 | Wednesday 29th November | 14:00-14:30 | Giovanni Meneghetti S09-1 Fatigue of assemblies 11 - Implementation of the Peak Stress Method for the automated FEA-assisted design of welded joints subjected to variable amplitude multiaxial fatigue loads |